All the routes // Route 3
n un mapa més gran
from 9:00 to 10:00
ESPINET / UBACH P. 93 418 78 33 S. Camp, 63 Barcelona espinet-ubach@espinet-ubach.com www.espinet-ubach.com |
The practice was set up in
Barcelona in 1976 and is directed by Miquel Espinet and Antoni Ubach.
The mission of our practice is to produce architecture, offering our
clients service in the broadest sense of the world. Including social
and cultural commitment, technological innovation, respect for the
environment, and balance, harmony and creation. Our field of activity
from urban planning to interior design centres entirely on architecture. |
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from 10:00 to 11:00 BAAS P. 93 358 01 11 S. Montserrat de Casanovas 105 www.jordibadia.com |
BAAS is an architecture and design studio set up by JORDI BADIA in 1994, made up of professionals from different fields, to develop architectural, urban planning and interior design projects. The office is complemented by a network of external collaborators who work on aspects such as structural calculation, installations, quantity surveying and landscape architecture. BAAS has won various awards for its buildings (FAD awards, Ciutat de Barcelona Prize 2009…) and It has been featured in numerous specialist publications (Architectural Review, El Croquis, A+U, Casabella, etc.). It has also been invited to present its work at conferences around the world (Paris, Toulouse, Ljubljana, Hong Kong, Krakow, Budapest, Lisbon, Zagreb..). |
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from 11:00 to 12:00 ESTUDI BONJOCH P. 93 415 00 07 S. Sant Pere Màrtir, 8 Barcelona ignasi@bonjoch.com www.bonjoch.com |
Ignasi Bonjoch began his career in 1990 in the area of interior design after graduating from the School of Design Elisava that year. He founded Estudi Bonjoch with the aim of providing a high quality service to its customers in all areas of design, mainly in the field of interior design and temporary space. Facing projects from the initial stages of strategy and positioning, to the final resolution. The work of the study has been awarded several times and Ignasi Bonjoch combines teaching and professional activities with the tasks of jury awards in various competitions. The team integrates Ignasi Bonjoch, Anna Catasús, Marta Moliner i Carlos Lleó. |
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from 12:00 to 13:00 BLACKSTONE BARCELONA P. 93 265 90 60 S. Rosselló, 248 principal 1a toni@blackstonebarcelona.com www.blackstonebarcelona.com |
BLACKSTONE BARCELONA is a graphic design studio integrated in an advertising agency specialized in action "Below" (BTL). Our task is to lead the design and strategy to all processes of communication. Sell design, with a strong media support for the idea that we reach the target as desired. As we say, "designing to communicate" |
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from 13:00 to 14:00 (jointly) ARTOFMANY P. 93 225 76 68 S. Provença, 318 2n 1a jofre@artofmany.com www.artofmany.com |
Open Organization of Professionals from different backgrounds of design and communication. |
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Horari. de 13:00 a 14:00 (jointly) ESTUDI AMSA P. 93 488 31 81 S. Provença, 318 2n 1a amsa@estudiamsa.com www.estudiamsa.com |
An understanding of interior design as a practical and functional distribution of space has characterised Estudi Amsa's projects from its beginning, in 1976. As much in residential as in open-to-the-public projects, our proposals supersede fashions and fads by being based on structural and design compositions. Rational solutions that improve the usage and quality of interior spaces -promoting their functional and aesthetic aspects-, and rigorous build execution are constant features of all Estudi Amsa's undertakings. |
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from 16:00 to 17:00 KIMA GUITART P. 93 238 80 86 S. Vallirana, 26 Barcelona kima@kimaguitart.com www.kimaguitart.com |
Kima Guitart studio's is a magnificent space, full of light and with a lift where you can see the techniques and materials, the technical process, frames, colors, etc. and also many finished pieces including silk murals, accessories and clothing. If it is wanted she also have videos of exhibitions that can be viewed. It is conveniently located between Plaça Molina and Princep d’Asturies, with many near public transport: subway L3, railway line 6 and 7, and bus 22, 28, 24, 16, 17, 32, 27 and 92. |
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View entire FADfest program at www.fadfest.cat