Three juries comprised of professionals such as Fuensanta Nieto, Anne Lacaton and Roger Miralles have drawn up the shortlist from among the 616 projects entered for the awards in the different modalities.
The shortlist has been announced of the projects entered for the FAD Awards for Architecture and Interior Design, International FAD Awards and FAD Awards for Thought and Critique organized by ARQUIN-FAD, the FAD’s Interdisciplinary Association for Space Design. The prize-giving ceremony will take place on 19 June 2019 as part of the Barcelona Design Week, which is organized jointly by the FAD (Fostering Arts and Design) and the design centre BCD (Barcelona Centro de Diseño).
616 works were entered for this edition, of which 200 are in the category of Architecture, 173 in Interior Design, 41 in City and Landscape, 80 in Ephemeral Interventions, 81 in Thought and Critique and 41 in the International FAD Awards. The geographical scope of the FAD Awards is Spain and Portugal, including their islands.