ArtsFAD 2019 Awards: Selected Artworks


These are the thirty-eight artworks nominated for the ArtsFAD 2019 Awards. They will be on display at the Disseny Hub Barcelona from May 17 to September 1, 2019.

The jury of the 11th edition of the ArtsFAD Awards, composed of artist Rosa Amorós, (in)dependent curator Sonia Fernández Pan, arts journalist Maria Palau, independent curator and art scholar Martí Peran, and art historian and curator at MNAC Alex Mitrani, has selected the thirty-eight artworks for the three prizes of this edition.

The award ceremony will take place on Friday, June 14 at the Disseny Hub Barcelona, which will also host an exhibition with the pieces from May 17 to September 1, 2019.

These are the works nominated:


Artist: Assumpció Espada Velasco
Artwork: A Lot Of Inorganic Haikus


Artist:  Clàudia Vives-Fierro
Artwork: Insert Coin


Artist:  Eduardo Romaguera
Artwork: A


Artist: Anna Cortada Bordas
Social Fashion Monster


Artist:  Blanca Viñas
Artwork: —Jo també vull que algú em col·loqui dins d’una bombolla i que aquesta no exploti mai.  —Va dir ella.


Artist:  Luesma & Vega
Artwork: Tripofobia


Artist:  Beatriz Díaz Ceballos
Artwork: Célula 5


Artist: Mariko Kumon
Artwork: Love Letter


Artist: Nunonina
Artwork: El jardín soñado


Artist: Alexandra Knie
Artwork: Conservación de virus populares


Artist:  Miquel Aparici Banegas
Artwork: Máscara azteca


Artist:  Fabrizio Contarino
Artwork: Entre aguas y muros


Artist:  Mariana Piñar Castellano
Artwork: Otra vez será / Never lose heart


Artist: Cristina Mato
Artwork: Holding On


Artist: Mònica Campdepadrós Pérez
Artwork: DUET


Artist: Amaia Salazar
Artwork: Test Ishihara


Artist: Palou
Artwork: KHAN by Palou


Artist: los díez
Artwork: Pensamiento


Artist: Jordi Gich
Artwork: memòria-oblit


Artist: Boris Hoppek
Artwork: África – Canarias


Artist: Mercè Soler
Artwork: RES


Artist: Olmo Sard Laguens
Artwork: Construccions reciclades n.7


Artist: Anna Solé Tremoleda
Artwork: Como. Apuntes sobre la reconstrucción de una conversación.


Artist: Juan Ayesta
Artwork: Spanish (typical) Design


Artist: Mariona Cañadas Cerón
Artwork: Ritme I


Artist: Pol Pintó Fabregat
Artwork: Exercici 65


Artist: Alejandro Vega Beuvrin
Artwork: Guarimba 9bp m


Artist: Pep Fajardo
Artwork: Drums


Artist: Ignasi Bosch
Artwork: SIGH


Artist: Gemma París
Artwork: I Walk And I Wade


Artist: Tanja Rinderknecht
Artwork: Physese


Artist: Teresa Estape Buixo
Artwork: Maniera nera


Inés Schaikowski
Artwork: s.t. de la série Cubo, Hybride Heimat


Artist: Juan Manuel Benítez Grima
Artwork: Cancha


Artist: Marga de la Llana Lluch
Artwork: On tot comença


Artist:  daniel ortiz ceràmiques
Artwork: Serendipia


Artist: Jordi Lacroix Torrent
Artwork: Teixit teixit imprès


Artist: Núria Rion
Artwork: La pell del paisatge (41° 15′ 15.98″ N, 0° 57′ 29.12″)